
Friday, 5 October 2012

Magical Food to Relief Stress

Hi guys! Okay so,, final exam is approaching at least for us uni student. That's why we decided to give you some tips about food that can relief stress.

Dark Chocolate - As we all know, sweet stuff like chocolate can relief our stress. Researcher has shown that 40g of dark chocolate a day can help us cope with stress by releasing "happy chemical" known as beta endorphin to the brain.  

Oranges - Surprisingly, a German study in Psycho-pharmacology found that Vitamin C helps reduce stress and return blood pressure  to normal levels after a stressful situation. Vitamin C is also well-known for boosting your immune system.

Banana - One of those magical food supply that not only give you a boost of energy but also quick and easy to consume. 

Celery - It has a wide range of calming effects. Research has shown that eating 4 stalks of celery a day can lower raised blood pressure, a common-stressed related symptom. Celery also contain tryptophan which triggers the release of serotonin helping to support sleep and reduce anxiety. 

Oily fish - Any type of fish like mackerel, salmon, anchovies, trout and sardines are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help with brain function, heart health and how we cope with stress. Also, oily fish contain Vitamin B, zinc and magnesium that help to reduce sugar-addiction cycles and counteract the damaging effects of stress.

Porridge - Good to warm up your tummy in the morning and also to relieve the stress. 

Chamomile Tea - Soothing properties in chamomile tea is very well-known to treat insomnia, anxiety and stomach problems.

For The Love Of Food,

LGJ Team.

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